10+ Warning Signs You’re Suffering From Toxic Productivity

Before we begin, I have a question for our readers – ‘Can you work peacefully in a toxic work environment?’ I bet your answer is a big ‘no.’ When you work in a toxic environment, no doubt your productivity also becomes toxic. 

But, the question arises is, 

What are the circumstances you may face due to a bad work culture?

The answer is toxic productivity. Most organizations suffer from the worst productivity level, and here we are mentioning some easy warning signs to help you face tainted productivity in your workplace. 

No Breaks: 

No Breaks

If you feel there is a ‘No Break Policy’ in your workplace, you should raise your voice or remove yourself from such an environment as soon as possible. When you work in such a culture, your mental space gets affected. You cannot work every minute in your office, and to clear your head space, you deserve a break!

No Hobbies Just Work: 

There is a personal world outside your professional circle. If you work 24/7 without spending time for yourself, you will go crazy. You may take out some time for your refreshment. Work is important. But if you have no hobbies and just work, you may be a part of a toxic work environment. 

Productivity Shame: 

Productivity Shame

One of the most serious signs of toxic productivity is when your productivity is meaningless. No matter how hard you work, if your employer does not praise you, it is worthless. An employee feels demotivated in such a work culture. So, take strict steps if you feel you are a victim of productivity shame. 

Work Burnout: 

When you have work clogged above your head and feel stressed, you are a victim of work burnout. You cannot work peacefully when you have lots inside your head. So, make sure to accept tasks as per your capability. 

Now, the question is,

How to overcome these? 

Well, there’s always a solution. Let’s have a quick look: 

Set Up Your Boundaries: 

Set Up Boundaries

The best way to overcome such toxic work levels and work burnout is to set up work boundaries and work as per your capacity. Make sure to accept work you can take and finish it on time. There’s no harm in setting up work boundaries and functioning accordingly. 


Self-awareness is the most crucial part of keeping your mental health fine. Ignoring your psychological health can be harmful. It will affect work and productivity, which is totally toxic. So, learn to be self-aware. 

Set Goals: 

If you feel to overcome your productivity toxications, set your own goals to compete with yourself. The foremost part is to work and deliver the assigned tasks to your manager or supervisor. In the competition of winning, don’t be your own enemy. 

Collaborate More: 

To not be a victim of a toxic work environment, socialize and collaborate with your colleagues. Because in the end, you have to work with them and should avoid unethical behavior in the workplace. Share your thoughts and suggestions with them. Ask how they manage their personal and professional life. It will definitely inspire you. 

Take A Break: 

Take A Break

Breaks are significant, and seeking some mental refreshment, is a must! If you feel stressed and have dealt with anxiety in the past, don’t ignore this. Take micro-breaks in between your work and refresh your mind to stay innovative and creative. 

You Are The Best: 

To be a happy soul in your office, consider yourself the best, and don’t compare yourself with anyone. Analogizing with your mates will lead you nowhere, but you will definitely downvote yourself. 

You can also watch: EmpMonitor: Best Productivity Monitoring Software

Wrapping Up: 

We hope the readers have learned some easy-to-figure toxic productivity signs which may damage your team. We also mentioned some quick solutions to overcome the same.